Data Structures & Algorithms in Java

Learn Data Structures and Algorithms in Java

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This free course on Data Structures & Algorithms in Java taught by industry excerpts helps you learn the basic concepts such as Complexity, Recursion, and the Tower of Hanoi. Best for Beginners. Start now!

What you learn in Data Structures & Algorithms in Java ?

Calculation of complexity in code
Common sorting algorithms

About this Course

Learn to store and organize data efficiently through this free Data Structures and Algorithms in Java course. You will first learn about data structures and their significance. You will then get familiar with algorithms and time complexity. Further, you will understand recursion in depth. You will learn about the recursive functions, recursive tree, and internal mechanism of recursion.


The example of the Tower of Hanoi will help you comprehend it better. Lastly, you will go through sorting algorithms in detail. Enroll in this free Data Structures and Algorithms in Java course and gain a free certificate.


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Course Outline

What is Data Structure?

A data structure is a method of arranging data to be used effectively. This module focuses on introducing you to Data Structures.

Importance of Data Structure

Data Structures are the backbone of any programming language. This module explains the significance of Data Structures.

Introduction to Algorithm

This module introduces you to the algorithm and its role in coding.

Time Complexity

Time Complexity represents the number of times a statement gets executed. This module explains time and space complexity, and you will learn to find algorithms' time and space complexity.

Additional Example of Time Complexity

This module gives you a better understanding of time complexity with the help of the code example.

Importance of Recursion

This module explains the importance of recursion in programming languages.

What is Recursion?

Recursion is a technique in which a function calls itself one or more times in its code. This module helps you understand recursion in detail.

Example of Recursion

Examples are the best way to understand any concept. Thus, this module consists of examples of recursion that will help you understand it better.

Steps to Create Recursive Function

To learn and execute recursion, you must be thorough with the steps involved. This module addresses the steps involved in creating recursive functions.

Recursive Function Examples

This module has examples of recursion that explains termination condition, business logic, and the recursive call steps to help you understand recursion better.

Recursion in Tree

This module explains what recursion is and how it works in the context of a tree.

Internal Mechanism of Recursion

It is essential to understand the internal mechanism of recursion as it is one of the significant concepts of programming languages. This module focuses on the internal mechanism of recursion and explains it with the help of a stack example.

Assignment Solutions

This module contains solutions for the various recursion problems that address their time complexity. 

Tower of Hanoi

Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical puzzle or a game that will help you understand the stack and recursion concept. This module aims at familiarizing you with the recursion through the Tower of Hanoi concept.

Tower of Hanoi Example

This module helps you understand the Tower of Hanoi concept better by explaining the concept with the help of an example. 

Need for Sorting Algorithm

Sorting algorithms are considered a significant part of programming. Before getting started with sorting algorithms, it is crucial to understand their need and this module focuses on addressing their importance.

Types of Sorting Algorithm

This module familiarizes you with the various types of sorting algorithms present.

Bubble Sort

Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list to be sorted. This module explains bubble sort and its algorithm in detail.

Quick Sort

Quick sort is a sorting algorithm that uses a partitioning step to divide an array into subarrays, followed by a sorting step to sort the subarrays. This module explains the quick sort, time complexity, and algorithm with an example and demonstration.

Merge Sort

A merge sort is a sorting algorithm that sorts items by dividing them into two groups, sorting each group, and then merging the groups back together. This module explains the merge sort, time complexity, and algorithm with an example and demonstration.

Insertion Sort

Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm in which each element is inserted into its correct position in a sorted array. This module explains insertion sort, time complexity, and algorithm with an example and demonstration.

Our course instructor

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Mr. Vishwa Mohan

Sr. Software Engineer, Ex-Walmart, Ex- Paypal, IIT-BHU Alumnus

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A Software engineer with 9+ years of experience working in major product companies like Walmart, Paypal, Oracle, etc. He also has a passion for mentoring students and helping professionals crack their dream jobs in Software Engineering.

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Data Structures & Algorithms in Java

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