Cloud Foundations

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Enrol for this free Cloud Foundations course to enhance your knowledge and skill in this in-demand domain. Learn from our experts on Cloud Fundamentals, Service Deployment Models, Service Delivery Models and more.

What you learn in Cloud Foundations ?

Cloud Fundamentals
Service Delivery Models
Service Deployment Models
Pricing & Scaling

About this Course

Discover the essential elements of cloud computing with our free course, 'Cloud Foundations.' Delve into the fundamental definitions, intriguing stories, and critical business concerns that underpin the cloud's significance. Explore the journey from classical enterprise systems to the modern cloud era, understanding why cloud adoption is imperative and tracing the evolution of cloud technologies. Uncover the intricacies of service models, abstraction levels, and the SPIDERS framework, offering a comprehensive perspective on cloud architecture. Dive into cloud attributes, grasp the concept of managed services, and dissect various deployment models, gaining insight into how the cloud is transforming industries. Moreover, demystify the intricacies of pricing and scaling models, allowing you to optimize resource allocation and efficiency. Join us for 'Cloud Foundations' to build a solid understanding of cloud concepts in a concise and engaging format.


Are you looking for a more comprehensive guide to learning Cloud Computing? Look no further than our professional Cloud Computing courses that will cover all the essential topics you need for a successful career transition in the domain.

Course Outline

Definitions, Stories and Business Concerns

In the 1st section, you will learn briefly about Cloud Computing, in which you will be enlightened with the what and why’s of cloud computing followed by a few real-world stories and various business concerns about the Cloud.

Classical Enterprise, why Cloud and Evolution of Cloud

This section will help you understand the classical enterprise and IT infrastructure, the brief history and evolution of the Cloud, and why it is essential in today’s digital, technology-driven world.

Service Models, Abstraction Levels, and SPIDERS

This section helps, you get familiar with various definitions of Cloud Computing and its myths. Later, you will go through various Service Delivery models like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, along with the concepts of SPIDERS—SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, bigData, Elastic, Resilient, and Subscription.

Cloud Attributes, Managed Services and Deployment Models

This section briefs, you about several Cloud Attributes, Cloud Offerings, and Host Managed Services. Moving forward, you will get familiar with various Service Deployment Models like Public, Private, Community, and Hybrid Cloud, along with a real-world example of Amazon cloud.

Pricing & Scaling Models

Lastly, you will learn different Pricing models such as buying, renting and subscription-based pricing followed by understanding the differences between the Classical and Cloud Scaling models along with the cost economics between them, and finally, you will learn the process of pricing and scaling in Google and AWS. 

Our course instructor

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Mr. Nirmallya Mukherjee

Former Chief Architect, Dell

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226.4K+ Learners
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6 Courses

With over two and half decades of cross domain experience in IT and ITES across both services and products, Nirmallya Mukherjee has served as Chief Architect at Dell, Principal Architect at Infosys and Technical Architect at Ciber Inc, an HTC Global Services company.

He lends his expertise to various multinationals like Cisco, Walmart Labs, Amadeus, Mercedes Benz, ANZ, Societe Generale etc. through his consulting, development and training engagements.

Nirmallya is also the Academic Director for the Graduate Certificate in Cloud Computing program.

Check out Nirmallya's LinkedIn

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Cloud Foundations

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2.5 Hours

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