Basics of Exploratory Data Analysis

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Learn how to uncover hidden insights and patterns in data through hands-on exercises and real-world examples. Enroll now and start your journey towards becoming a data analysis pro!

What you learn in Basics of Exploratory Data Analysis ?

EDA concepts
EDA in python
Visualization tools

About this Course

The Basics of Exploratory Data Analysis course shall imbibe in you the knowledge on working with Data Manipulation techniques with DPLYR and its functions to reduce the arduous task. The course shall then continue with Data Visualization techniques using the GGPLOT2 grammar package and different plots and layers. You will learn the statistics involved with the subject and the science supporting Data Science strategies. In the later part of this course, a case study on the Pokemon Dataset would be fun for you to apply these concepts and understand the subject as a whole. You can refer to the attached study materials at any point after enrolling in the course and take up the quiz at the end to test your knowledge and understand your gains.

Upon completing this free, self-paced, beginner's guide to Basics of Exploratory Data Analysis, you can embark on your Data Science and Business Analytics career with a professional Post Graduate certificate and learn several concepts with millions of aspirants across the globe!

Course Outline

Data Manipulation with DPLYR

In this section, you will learn and understand data manipulation techniques with DPLYR packages to work with a massive data set. You will know how to install the DPLYR package and how to extract specific data from the pool data pool demonstrated code snippets.

Data Visualization with ggplot2

This section explains the grammar of data visualization and then continues by speaking about three different layers in it. You shall then perform data visualization operations with GGPLOT2 grammar of graphics after knowing how to install it.

Case Study on Pokemon Dataset

In this section, you shall apply data manipulation and visualization techniques that you learned in the earlier part of the course on the Pokemon dataset to understand better and good hold on the concepts.

Our course instructor

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Mr. Bharani Akella

Data Scientist

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3M+ Learners
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82 Courses
Bharani has been working in the field of data science for the last 2 years. He has expertise in languages such as Python, R and Java. He also has expertise in the field of deep learning and has worked with deep learning frameworks such as Keras and TensorFlow. He has been in the technical content side from last 2 years and has taught numerous classes with respect to data science.

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Basics of Exploratory Data Analysis

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1.5 Hours

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