Top IT Soft Skills

Knowing which soft skills to emphasise on your resume can help you stand out from other applicants who have comparable sets of hard skills.

1. Communication

How well can you communicate? Practically every career requires good communication abilities. You must also be able to communicate with people nicely and clearly in person, over the phone, and in writing.

2.Critical Thinking

Understanding difficulties, exercising critical thought, and coming up with solutions are skills that are necessary whether you are dealing with data, instructing students, or repairing a home heating system. Creativity, adaptability, and curiosity are traits associated with critical thinking.


Leadership skills include the ability to resolve problems and conflicts between people and to make executive decisions.

5.Positive Attitude

Employers are constantly looking for individuals who will be outgoing, motivated, and generally enjoyable to be around.

6.Work Ethic

Employers seek applicants that have a strong work ethic. These individuals are punctual in their arrival at work, efficient in their task completion, and organised in their focus.