A quality assurance specialist's average hourly wage in the US is $29.04, and their monthly incomes range from $2,729 to $7,924. The average yearly salary is $60,410, but it can occasionally reach $95,083.
A Quality Assurance employee in India makes $4,87,711 per year. Use the location filter to see salary for Quality Assurance in your area. The 1,293 salaries that members of the Quality Assurance team gave as the basis for salary estimations.
0-2 years : Salary ranges from ₹ 3.0 LPA to ₹4 LPA 3-6 Years: Salary Ranges from ₹ 3.0 LPA to ₹6 LPA 6-10 Years : Salary Ranges from ₹ 3.0 LPA to ₹12 LPA Source: Pascale
QA Analyst: The national average salary for a QA Analyst is ₹5,89,317 per year in India. Sr. QA Analyst :he national average salary for a Senior QA Analyst is ₹8,83,643 in India. QA Team Coordinator : The national average salary for a QA Coordinator is ₹6,81,542 in India.
Test Manager : The national average salary for a Test Manager is ₹16,42,063 per year in India. Senior Test Manager: Senior Test Manager salary in India ranges between ₹ 13.0 Lakhs to ₹ 35.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 21.0 Lakhs. Source: Glassdoor