How to prepare for  competitive programming?

Great Learning Team

July 05, 2022

Learn – practice – repeat


Try to learn new concepts every day. Solve at least one or two questions a day! After learning new approaches, you should instantly look for implementing them.

Write before you code


Its effective to write all the algorithms by yourself. Try to not replicate them. It will help you become a good programmer. 

Master Algorithms & Data Structures

Mastering these concepts should be a major priority. A copy of issues faced during prep should be made & tracked to avoid the same mistakes in the future.


Split the problem


Most competitive tasks come with a long description that might make you nervous. Try to split the problem as much as possible so that you can solve it with a bottom-up approach.

Say NO to Complexity

Do not get caught in the vicious loop of faster execution time. Don’t waste time by over-engineering your answer. Move on to the next issue if the solution is acceptable. 


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