Everything  you need to  know about  Cyber Warfare

At least 10 Ukrainian websites stopped working due to cyber attacks, including those of the Defense Ministry, Foreign Ministry, Culture Ministry, and two largest state banks.

Major hack on Ukraine infrastructure highlights the reality of Modern Warfare.

Tap to know more about cyberwarfare

The world of cyber warfare is a murky one, but it has become another weapon in the arsenal of national sovereign defense for many countries.

Cyberwarfare involves using technology--for military purposes and cyber-espionage--to attack countries.

Such attacks could be initiated by terrorist or hacker groups to harm individual nations’ goals.

Types of Cyber Warfare Attacks are:

– Sabotage

– Denial-of-service (DoS) Attacks

– Electrical Power Grid

– Propaganda Attacks

Ways to Combat Cyber Warfare

- Maintain up-to-date software and operating systems

- Using two methods of verification

- Adopt Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS)

Another way is to learn more about cybersecurity