My Name is Praveen Kuricheti. I am a software professional with 16 years of experience. Currently, I am the Tech Manager with Infosys Limited for applications running on Java/J2EE technologies. However, I started my career as a legacy mainframe developer and currently playing the Tech Manager role with Infosys Limited.
As I am from a Mainframe background which is legacy, there has been a strong desire to upskill myself on the latest and cutting edge technologies to stay relevant for quite some time.
I also wanted to prepare myself better in the career transition towards AI/ML Technologies. Hence, I joined the PGP – AIML from Great Learning. The Program journey was amazing however the Capstone was something I really enjoyed.
My team Capstone in the PGP – AIML Program was about the identification of Indian currency for blind people through Computer Vision technologies. This is towards building a solution for blind people to independently identify the various currencies just by showing them to a phone camera.
Identification of the right algorithm that fits our criteria, Dataset preparation – were the two areas we had to spend more time on.
Without a mentor, the Project team might not know the standard practices being followed in the industry. Great Learning provided us mentor for our capstone so we can progress well.
Our mentor was of great help for us in preparing good quality datasets, in selecting the right algorithm for best results, and also gave us the right guidance to solve the problems we faced in solution design and development.
As a leader, I was able to understand the solutions our AI/ML teams were developing and also contribute to the design as we approach the problem at hand. On a personal level, I have upgraded my skill set from legacy Mainframe to the latest AI/ML technologies. Also, I have equipped myself to negotiate for better career prospects. Expecting career progression in the next few months.
As Data is the new oil, it is imperative for all professionals to upskill themselves in data science to stay relevant in the industry. Pay enough attention to Business problems, expected outcomes, and exploratory data analysis while on the journey to build a robust solution.