Part-Time Jobs in Germany for Students

Discover how students in Germany can find and manage part-time jobs. Learn about job options, work regulations, and tips for maximizing your experience.


Germany is a popular destination for international students due to its excellent educational system. The cost of living in Germany for international students ranges from around €867 a month, which is reasonable for most of the students.

To make it more comfortable, many international students take up part-time jobs in addition to their studies, and the good news is that German universities offer a supportive environment that allows scholars to work and finance their stay and education.

According to a report by a German research institution called Forsa, 75% of professors in Germany rely on part-time jobs for their financial support. This trend has continued, with many job seekers now having multiple part time jobs in germany.

If you’re an international student in Germany and want to know more about the potential for part-time income, or if you’re interested in learning about common student employment categories in Germany, keep reading.

Check out “Part-Time Jobs in Germany for Students” for tips on finding the perfect part-time job.

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Getting a Part-Time Job in Germany as an International Student

In this blog post, we will focus on part-time work options available for international scholars who are travelling to Germany with the part time job salary in germany.

We will discuss the rules that apply to these opportunities and any other important details that may be relevant to international scholars. Part-time jobs are an excellent way to earn some extra income and fully enjoy your stay in Germany. 

Additionally, they can serve as a stepping stone towards your professional career. Regardless of your reasons for seeking part-time employment, these opportunities can provide significant financial benefits. 

However, international scholars in Germany must abide by specific regulations and guidelines established by the administration when seeking part-time work. Please read on as we provide a detailed explanation of the nuances of part-time work options for international scholars in Germany.

Part-Time Job: Various Rules for International Students in Germany

International students can benefit from numerous opportunities with the German student visa. One of the most significant benefits is the ability to work part-time while studying in Germany. If you are considering working in Germany while studying, here are some important things to consider:

  • As a student, you are allowed to work a maximum of 120 full days or 240 half days per year. However, this limit may vary in areas with high or low employment rates. If your university is in an area with high unemployment rates or needs more workers, you may be granted a work permit for a period longer than 120 days.
  • Typically, university morals dictate that students should not work for more than 20 hours per week during the term. However, students can still take up full-time employment during the break periods.
  • To work in Germany, you need a work permit from the Federal Employment Agency (Agentur für Arbeit) and the International authority. The permit will specify the maximum work limit that you can take up.
  • If you are enrolled in a language or preparation course, the regulations for working are more stringent. You can only work during the times when there are no lectures, and you will need permission from the foreign authority to do so.
  • Taxes are also an important consideration. If you earn less than 450 euros per month, you are exempt from paying taxes and social security fees. You are also exempt if you work fewer than 50 consecutive days in a calendar year.
  • It is generally recommended to work up to 20 hours per week. Working more than this threshold is not only against the majority of university regulations, but it also requires paying for health, unemployment, and nursing care insurance.
  • Adherence to Federal Law is of utmost importance. Breaking any regulations could result in deportation from the country. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain checks and balances, follow the regulations, and obtain your work permit.

Also explore the Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Study in Germany 2024 and learn why Germany offers unmatched opportunities for your education!

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How to Find Part-Time Jobs Based in Germany for International Students?

Looking for part time jobs in Germany as an international candidate? Here are some tips to help you find part-time jobs in Germany, especially for Indian scholars:

  • Employers and hiring managers may post job announcements online and offline. To stay updated on job openings in Germany, it’s important to keep an eye out for these announcements.
  • University bulletin boards are a great resource for job openings in Germany. Many employers post job openings with flexible schedules that are perfect for applicants. Depending on your qualifications and experience, you may find numerous part-time job positions listed on these boards.
  • University career centers also post job possibilities for students. These centers have close relationships with numerous firms and industries, so they stay informed about the state of the labor market. Students can schedule meetings with career centers to learn about available opportunities and discuss the kinds of tasks they can complete.
  • Online job portals are also ideal for candidates seeking part-time job openings in Germany. Employers post jobs across various portals, and prospective workers can view them and apply accordingly. You may find different work in a number of fields with detailed skills and expertise.
  • Your friends, classmates, and acquaintances may also be able to assist you in finding work opportunities, particularly if you are a university student. Word-of-mouth marketing may not always be helpful right away, but over time, it may be rather beneficial. People will naturally want to notify you of any job openings as soon as you let them know that you are looking for work.

Check out Free Education in Germany for Indian Students in 2024 and see how you can achieve your study abroad goals affordably!

Also Check out our latest blog, “How to Fund Your Education in Germany?” to learn practical tips and options for making your education in Germany affordable!

Ten Highest Paying part time jobs in germany for International Students

his country is full of potential, which is why there are several part-time jobs available to students in Germany with a great germany pay rate. The following are a few well-liked part-time jobs that students might get in Germany: 

1. Waiter/Waitress

Minimum Requirements: A High School degree with a Diploma

  • Are you fond of the hospitality aspect? If yes, you should apply for this part-time position in Germany! Being a waiter or waitress allows you to pick up a lot of abilities. In addition, a candidate can make a lot of new friends and get paid a lot through tips and benefit packages. 

  • Scholars need not worry about insurance because waiters and waitresses are also covered at work. As students study hospitality, they also pick up a lot of other abilities, such as managing their time and feeling confident when serving customers. That’s the reason why this occupation is the best way to earn some income as a part-timer in Germany.

Explore the Top 14 Fully Funded Scholarships in Germany for International Students in our latest blog and find out how you can secure financial support for your education!

2. Courier:

Pay: €17/hour 

‍Minimum Requirements: School degree and college degree are sufficient

  • Being a courier not only improves your understanding of the city but also increases your pay and tips. All you need to start working as a courier is a bike and a sizable rucksack. When you deliver items, you get to know the city and its routes better. 

  • You can run into new folks as you discover more of the city. Because of this, one of the best part-time jobs for students in Germany that pays the most is becoming a courier.

3. Babysitter:

Pay: €12/hour

Minimum Requirement: Diploma in high school.

  • As a babysitter, managing children will require responsibility on your part. In order to properly care for the infant, a babysitter must also be familiar with house regulations and basic first aid. 

  • When you apply for a babysitting job, make sure the parents are comfortable with you. Because of this, one of the most expensive part-time jobs for students in Germany is babysitting.

4. Bartender:

Pay: €24/hour 

Minimum Requirements: There is the requirement of Schooling and a college degree

  • It can be enjoyable to work as a bartender. Mixology is a broad discipline in and of itself, about which there is a great deal to learn. As a bartender, you may be able to find opportunities to work at exclusive parties where you may network and meet new individuals. 

  • Bartenders are renowned for their exceptional guest interactions. Additionally, it boosts your self-assurance and improves your ability to hold conversations. For this reason, bartending is among the most paid part-time jobs available to students in Germany.

5. Cashier:

Pay: €11/hour

Minimum Requirements: A relevant bachelor’s degree in the field or a high school diploma. 

  • Large sums of money will pass through your hands every day as a cashier. Students who work this part-time employment gain knowledge about how money is transferred, as well as accounting and saving techniques.

  •  Working as a cashier also broadens your perspective on the value of money. Because of this, becoming a cashier is one of the best part-time jobs for students in Germany in terms of salary.

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6. Cleaner:

Pay: €13/hour 

Minimum Requirements: A high school diploma is required.

  • You will have flexible working hours when you work as a cleaner. It won’t even be necessary for you to speak German well. You can work flexible hours and receive bonuses while working as a cleaner. 

  • Additionally, you can take up several jobs at once. For this reason, among the part-time occupations in Germany that pay the most for students is cleaning.

7. Tutor:

Pay: €13/hour 

Minimum Requirements: A relevant High School Diploma or a Bachelor’s Degree is required.

  • The candidate should be courteous, gregarious, and have strong language abilities. Operators at call centers must take inbound calls and handle them. They have to provide detailed, important, and 100% accurate information about your goods and services and how they apply to them. 

  • For this role, you must have excellent communication skills, patience, and a basic understanding of computers. This role requires the capacity to meet people’s needs and persuade them. The operator must also maintain an accurate record of the transactions. It’s one of the highest-paying part-time jobs for international students in Germany.

8. Call Center Operator:

Pay: €20 Per Hour

Minimum Qualifications: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

  • The candidate should be courteous, gregarious, and have strong language abilities. Operators at call centers must take inbound calls and handle them. They have to provide detailed, important, and 100% accurate information about your goods and services and how they apply to them. 

  • For this role, you must have excellent communication skills, patience, and a basic understanding of computers. This role requires the capacity to meet people’s needs and persuade them. The operator must also maintain an accurate record of the transactions. It’s one of the highest-paying part-time jobs for international students in Germany.  

9. Shop Assistant:

Pay: €16/hour

Minimum requirements: Customer service skills and a minimum education/high school graduation. 

  • This part-time employment for students in Germany involves helping customers select the things they want and assisting retailers. 

  • One of a shop assistant’s responsibilities is to ascertain the wants of the consumers and fulfill those demands. Many stores and markets are constantly searching for competent store clerks with exceptional language and communication abilities.   

10. Field Interviewer:

Average Part Time Salary in Germany – €55,250 / Yearly

Details of the job: For international students studying in Germany, this is one of the best-paying part-time positions. 

  • As a field interviewer, you will carry out surveys and research for companies in order to gather any data that they may require. You must consider what consumers think of your goods and services, what they find appealing about them, what features they would want to see added, etc.  

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Benefits of Part Time Jobs in germany

  • Enhancement of skills
    Working part-time is an excellent method to learn new talents and get compensated for them. You can improve your topic knowledge, boost your confidence, learn how to operate machinery and equipment, and hone your communication skills. You’ll get more time management skills to balance work and school. You will also learn how to get along with those with whom you don’t speak the same language or culture. 

  • Fiscal support
    A part-time job helps you make a side income along with your education. This can help you pay for an advanced course or buy precious study material. You can reduce your fiscal reliance on your parents and use the plutocrats to have a decent life and enjoy your stay in Germany.

  • Improved networking
    As a student, you might only be able to connect with other students and teachers. Having a part-time job allows you to expand your social circle and engage with new people. After completing your education, you might have the opportunity to network with key clients and management at your current workplace, who can assist you in finding a full-time position. 

  • Financial management
    Having a student loan allows you to start learning how to handle your money at a young age. If your monthly income in Germany exceeds €450, you will be required to pay taxes and make contributions to social security. When the risks are minimal, it teaches you how to budget and save money early in life. In this manner, when you start making a good living from full-time work, you’ll be in the best position to handle your money. 

Also check out our guide, “MS in Germany: A Guide for International Students,” and find everything you need to know for a successful master’s experience abroad!


Part-time jobs in Germany can be a crucial source of financial support for international students, helping them manage their living expenses while pursuing their studies. The country’s universities foster a supportive environment that allows students to balance work and academics effectively.

However, it’s essential to follow the regulations regarding part-time work, such as limits on working hours and obtaining the necessary permits. With various job options available, students have opportunities to develop skills, gain experience, and expand their networks.

While earnings from part-time jobs can help, you can save even more on your education expenses by enrolling in Great Learning’s Masters at FOM University. You can make your German education dream come true with no GRE/TOEFL requirements and up to 33% savings.
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Is 50 hours a week of labor allowed in Germany?

During their academic term, international students are not permitted to work more than 20 hours per week. On the other hand, they are able to work more on holidays and obtain full-time employment. In Germany, students from the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein are permitted to work more than 20 hours a week. These students will, however, be required to pay security fees, health insurance, and nursing care insurance, just like German citizens.


Do I’ve to pay anything as an international scholar in Germany?

You can earn up to € 520 per month without paying the fees, but as soon as you regularly exceed this limit, you will have to pay for finances. The duty number will be transferred to you automatically by correspondence after you have entered your Hearthstone permit and registered your address with Megacity.

In Germany, how much can a student make?

With part-time jobs, students can make up to €520 per month without having to pay taxes. Students who put in 20 hours a week at work often make between €12.50 and €14 per hour. That comes to a monthly total of about €1000–1150.  

Which careers in Germany are the most paid part-time?

Field interviewers, student assistants, tutors, and call center operators are among the highest-paying part time jobs in germany that can earn you a respectable wage. While the pay for part-time jobs as a courier or waiter in Germany is not very high, these positions do offer good gratuities from satisfied clients.   

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