Mentoring sessions were super important and helpful – Gokul G Nair, PGP AIML

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“The biggest challenge for me was lack of foundation and not knowing how to learn analytics in a structured manner. Study materials are available aplenty on the internet, but finding the relevant stuff amidst all the noise is difficult. Having a structured program at Great Learning with hands-on problems made all the difference. “, says Gokul. Read further to learn more about his journey with Great Learning’s PGP Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Course in his own words.

I have been in the industry for the past 6.5 years. I started working in the insurance domain as an analyst at my hometown, Trivandrum. And after 2.5 years, I moved to Bangalore into a new sector. I started as an intern and joined full-time as a business analyst. Currently, I’m working as a product manager at ‘KabaddiAdda’ – a sports analytics startup based in Bangalore. 

I chose Great Learning because I heard about the course structure and the mentoring program from one of my colleagues, and their mentoring program is one of the primary reasons for going ahead with the decision to join Great Learning over other options. I feel that, without having someone to guide you through a tough terrain such as AI-ML, the journey wouldn’t be easy. Time proved that I was right, as our mentor patiently explained the portions we covered and at times bore with and cleared our silly yet very basic doubts as well. 

Mentoring sessions were super important and helpful. Though the pre-recorded videos from professors covered the portion in detail, there were times, I wanted more clarity on some areas, and this was well addressed during these mentoring sessions. Without our mentor’s help, grasping difficult topics would not have been such a cakewalk. They are experts in the field, and with their practical knowledge of the libraries we use in weekly projects, the insights they share at times become nuggets of wisdom. I say this because the feedback they share is not only applicable in a single project but in all similar use-cases. 

I took up the course purely because the topic fascinated me, and working in a sports analytics company got me to cover the basics. But once I finished the course, it gave me a different perspective to think about the business problems I used to face. Now, I’m able to provide strong suggestions when it comes to tech and process automation completely using python. 

Based on my experience, I would say it is very easy to get lost in all the new cutting-edge developments in the field of analytics, all the fancy libraries, and deep learning algorithms. But, if you are serious about the field, it all boils down to how you can solve the problem.

Get your basics right, have a structured approach, and when it comes to learning data science or machine learning, a strict discipline in learning and applying the newly learned concept would make your life much easier, and the efforts would be fruitful in the long run. Stay consistent, learn the basics, understand what you are doing, and do not let the roadblocks stop you; continue to push on!

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