I am Sreekanth S. I have more than 20 years of Experience at South Western Railway as Assistant Personnel Officer (Retd). We are a team of 5 people and our topic AI-based Farm Fish disease detection system to help Micro and Small Fish Farmers. We discussed among the team and out of a couple of the topics suggested by the team members, this topic was selected because it was suggested by the majority. This topic seemed to fulfil a sort of social responsibility.
In our capstone, we tried to implement all of the learned concepts. The Initial AI concept proposed to be applied is the basic version of “Image Processing”. Later on, the project has the scope to adopt feature detection for tagging each individual fish and then movement pattern recognition to classify different health statuses of the fishes.
In the course of complying with various aspects of the project, I was motivated to study a large amount of material connected with our topic and build up a practical association with many of the concepts that I learned during the AIFL course as well as the external material that I had perused through in connection with the project. This process helped me to open up a vista of possible applications.
Most importantly, I am beginning to see the vast array of opportunities, including business opportunities, that is possible through the application of the concepts that I have already understood. It also enables me to continue to learn more and more in the same field.
The capstone project has enabled me to fixate the concepts I learned during PGP – AIFL course and helped me to internalize the concepts. I am beginning to feel that this project has helped me to see creative possibilities, that I am sure to explore and benefit from.
While it has motivated me to study extensively in search of the solutions connected with our topic, it has, at the same time forced me to interact intensively with my other team members. This process seems to have thrown light on the dark corners of my understanding of the subject matter. This certainly was a pleasant experience, certainly rewarding.
To tell shortly: ” I benefitted more than I expected initially. It was really rewarding. I feel that this course has sown the seeds, whose fruits will be enjoyed by me for a long long time after completion of the course.”
Recently I have retired from service. So, I will not have the direct opportunity to apply the concepts I have learned in my workplace.
Nevertheless, I have conceptualized some projects, which can be applied in my earlier organization as well as my other areas of interest,
Some details are furnished hereunder:
1. HR functions in Railways are administered through a vast array of rules made by Railway Board and Individual Railways. Presently, huge manpower is engaged for accomplishing HR tasks. While it is possible to automate the majority of the incumbent processes by building rule-based systems, it is possible to adopt AI concepts to build end-to-end integrated systems using AI concepts, which is not possible through rule-based systems.
2. Training the Railwaymen; Presently Railway is incurring huge expenditure to keep its manpower trained. Because of the limitations like availability of infrastructure, Geographical spread of employees all over the nation, Non-availability of enough teaching staff having requisite competence, etc., Railway is strained to a large extent on this account. It is possible to set up a virtual Training center to cater to the vast needs of Railway for Training its employees. AI can breach both time and Geographical barriers. Automated training can be tapped by its employees anywhere, anytime.
3. Because of the domination of giant e-commerce entities, retail shopkeepers are pushed to the edge of extinction. It is an open secret that these segment, which is huge in number are in danger of losing their daily bread.
4. It is possible to democratize the e-commerce space once again by adopting AI and empowering the members of this segment.
Though many such possibilities exist, having given a hint of my understanding arising out of PGP -AIFL course, I pray and terminate my views here.
Lastly, I would like to Thank “Great Learning Academy”, all the Professors who had taught in this online course and mentored us and helped us gain a useful understanding of the AI and allied concepts, and the support staff who helped us in non-curriculum matters.
A big thanks to everyone.
I am really grateful to you all for enlightening me.