Great Learning reveals new logo to strengthen its ‘Power Ahead’ positioning

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We at Great Learning believe in constant learning to become more powerful and stronger. To feature our core philosophy of ‘guided growth’ for our learners, we have revealed our new logo. Our new logo is vibrant, distinct, and has a strong visual appeal that features our strong tagline ‘power ahead.’ We redesigned our logo to reinforce our promise of guided growth and mentorship.

New logo of Great Learning

Our creative in-house team has created a new logo with an arrow in the upward position. The logo symbolizes the upward journey of steady growth. The sharp contours of the icon ‘G’ with the rounded typeface show a combination of cutting-edge expertise with guided growth and future-proof careers. 

We released a short video for launching our new logo highlighting the brand philosophy of guided growth and mentored learning. The video displays how Great Learning has transformed 1 million learners from more than 160 countries. The logo has been redesigned to match its current offerings, upholding a vision for its learners.

New Logo Reveal | Great Learning
A short video launching the new logo of Great Learning

As per our Chief Executive Officer, Mohan Lakhamraju “Our experience has shown that mentorship and guidance are pivotal to the success of an individual’s learning journey. It is this personalized attention and mentorship that has differentiated Great Learning and helped establish it as the most trusted edtech company in our space, and enabled us to positively impact the careers and lives of our learners. Our new logo represents our continued commitment to helping our learners power ahead in their careers through our guided learning approach.”

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Akriti Galav
Akriti Galav is an experienced Content Strategist at Great Learning with more than 8 years of experience in content marketing. With a profound understanding of digital marketing, management, and other relevant topics, she creates content that leaves a lasting impression on her audience. Akriti is an enthusiastic researcher, consistently uncovering the latest studies, reports, and original research to incorporate into her work, ensuring that her content is always up-to-date and relevant.
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