Eight signs your interview went well

Job Interview


The most important parts of the hiring process are an interview. After an interview, most of the interviewee thinks, “How did I do in my interview.” For an employer or hiring manager, it takes hours or days to decide whether you are fit for the position or not.

According to experts, there are some telltale signs through which you can figure out whether you have nailed your interview or not. It’s impossible to know how your interview went, but some clues can give a better understanding of whether a job offer is coming on your way or not.

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Here are the eight signs, how to tell if an interview went well. These indicators will give you a better sense of understanding.

These are the eight signs your interview went well

  1. The interview goes longer than its scheduled time: If an interviewer takes longer than the scheduled time, it may be a sign that they are enjoying the conversation and want to learn more about you and help their business reach their goal.

The hiring manager or recruiter has a busy schedule. If they take the conversation more than the scheduled time, it is an excellent sign that your interview went well. According to their company culture, you may be the right candidate, and it may be a positive sign if your interview runs over the scheduled time. 

  1. They introduce you to other team members: It’s a good indication if the interviewer or the recruiter wants to introduce you to other company team members. You have done well in the interview, and now the recruiter wants to know whether you can interact well with the team members or not before making their final decision. 

This is the perfect time to learn more about the company culture and the working environment. So, you just need to be friendly and polite with everyone you meet. 

It may not be necessary that each time recruiter will introduce you to the team members, especially if your interview had been taken virtually, so it won’t be a bad sign if you only meet with the interviewer.  

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  1. They ask when you can start: The hiring manager or recruiter can ask, “How soon would you be able to start” or if they ask, “Are you available to join immediately?” These questions are a positive sign that your interview goes well. Recruiters want to know how soon you can start with them before they extend an offer to you.

You can answer your recruiter about how much notice period you need to give to your current employer if needed. This information helps to know how quickly they need to offer you the job.

  1. They discuss job roles and responsibilities: If an interviewer discusses the job roles and responsibilities in detail, then it seems that the interviewer is interested and finds you suitable for the role they are looking for. They are serious about adding you to their team.

The hiring manager will never waste time discussing day-to-day duties and responsibilities if they find you are not suitable for the position. If you find that interviewer is trying to sell you the job, then it is a positive sign you have made a good impression.

  1. They discuss perks, benefits, and policies: If the recruiter or hiring manager discusses the company policies and benefits or even gets into the discussion about pay – that’s a good sign that they are planning to make an offer. They want to inquire about your past compensation, present compensation, and what pay you are expecting from upcoming job offers.

The most likely recruiter won’t waste their time discussing all this information if they aren’t interested in you. It’s a good sign of success if the hiring manager discusses perks and benefits during the interview.

  1. They discuss the next steps pointedly: When hiring managers or recruiters clearly discuss the next step, then it’s an indication you are still running for the open position. It’s not only a good sign for your candidacy, but it also says that the employer wants to keep the discussion going. 

At the end of your interview, they may be interested in scheduling your next interview, or they may tell you to expect an email about the next steps after the interview, which means they’re interested and want to move ahead with your candidacy.

  1. They give positive affirmations: During the interview, if a hiring manager or recruiter gives positive affirmations, then it would be a great signal that they are impressed with your interview and skills, and it is one of the best positive signs. If a recruiter uses a positive response such as “Great answer” or “That’s the exact skill we are looking for,” these are the positive signs that the interviewer is impressed by your experience and skills.

Even if the interviewer seems enthusiastic or listens carefully to your answers and gives positive feedback, it is a good sign that you are moving in the right direction. 

  1. Your thank-you email got a quick response: After sending the thank you email to the hiring manager or recruiter after an interview, they mostly won’t reply. But if you receive a reply from the team, it is a good sign, and they want to keep you engaged in the hiring process.

If the busy hiring manager or recruiter sends a reply to your email, it gives an excellent sign that your interview went positive, and you may be considered for the job.

The best thing you can do is to avoid thinking much about the interview and signals and start focusing on your upcoming opportunities. Confidence is a good thing, but don’t move too far ahead of yourself. You can just put down the important points you told during the interview. This will help you in the future, and refer it back to these details. 

While you don’t hear from the hiring managers or recruiters regarding the final decision, it is difficult to tell how your interview did go. But here are some signs that can understand whether an interview went well or not. But if you don’t find any of these signals during the interview, then don’t worry because interviewers have their own tone that may not fit with these signs. These signs are subjective – it is good to see during the interview, but it doesn’t guarantee that you are getting the job! But these signs are how to tell if an interview went well; it may increase the chance of hiring. The more signs you receive there is more likely chance to get a positive response for the next steps.

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