Exposure to real-world applications and case studies – Vanam Sravan Krishna, PGP AIML

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I am one of the co-founders of Air Ok Technologies Pvt Ltd. In the company, I Look after R&D and Operations. In this company, we work on Air Quality management systems. We Develop, Manufacture and market new products new technologies related to the improvement of Air Quality.

My biggest challenge before joining the PGP-AIML course at Great Learning was to understand how to make decisions based on our current experience with current business trends and market demands. I felt a strong need to apply data-driven approaches in the company for every business decision. As it is a startup, we cannot spend much doing field and market studies and gathering data. So, we had to depend more on intuition and readily available data. But even with the current resources and the available data, it needs to be filtered in such a way that it can apply to the business, and we require methods to extract the knowledge from the data. So, I felt that I had to get the professional application knowledge on Data Analysis concerning Business. Also, we deal with huge amounts of Air Quality sensor data. The same knowledge on Data Analysis also helps to apply the subject in our many R&D projects. 

By considering all the above thoughts, I have decided to learn the AIML subject. 

After the research for the resources, I found the Great Learning planning online platform is very much advantageous in terms of curriculum and concepts covered, timings which will be very much feasible for any working professional who wants to learn while continuing his employment. 

Great Learning’s mentored learning session is very important as the mentor gives exposure to real-world applications and case studies. Also, important to get clarity on any concepts which we have doubts or queries about. Also, we will get to know and understand the professional perspective as the mentor is already a working professional in the same field of AIML. I feel very much glad that we have live mentoring sessions where we can participate like in any classroom and for great productive discussions that we can have with the mentor on the real-world applications, on theoretical doubts and queries and concerns.

Mentor plays a major role in our success as the Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning subject and field are very much to the learners. Especially for me as I am not an IT professional without any coding background. Mentor guidance is very much required for a person like me and my success. 

I am going to apply some policies in the company related to business decisions where data-driven approaches will be taking place. Also, I have applied one of the ML regression models in one of the R&D projects and products. This product is currently in the market.

My advice to people who are just starting with learning analytics is:

  1. As great learning is a great platform for working professionals, trust the curriculum without a doubt. 
  2. Spend as much time as possible 

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