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Free course on palindrome in python

Palindrome in Python

Master palindromes in Python with this concise course module! Learn to create and recognize reversible strings through hands-on exercises and clear guidance.

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About this Free Certificate Course

In this course, you will learn about Palindrome in python. You will start this course by learning the basic concepts of python programming such as its syntax, variables, data types, operators, tokens and string.Then we will jump to control statements such as if, if-else and loops. Then, moving ahead you will get the idea about a palindrome which is defined as a word, phrase, number and on reading gives the same, backward as forward. Lastly, you will be seeing the practical implementation of palindrome number as well as string using loops and functions along with palindrome in the linked list.

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Course Outline

Variables and datatypes in python
Introduction to Python

This module starts by briefly introducing Python programming, and you will go through its installation process and some essential hands-on examples.


Installing Python

This section will demonstrate how to install Python with step-by-step explanations. You can follow the steps to install it on your PC.

Operators in Python

Python have three operator types: relational, arithmetic, and logical. The tutor will help you better understand these operators with the help of some examples in Python. 


Tokens in Python

This section will brief you about four different tokens in Python, starting from keywords, and continuing with identifiers, literals, and operators with demonstrated code snippets.


Introduction to Jupyter Notebook

The first section will introduce you to the free, open-source platform, Jupyter Notebook, and its significance in Data Science.



A palindrome is a sequence of numbers or characters similar to its reverse. The number/character is similar when read from the front and the end. For example: 12321, 34543 

Implement Palindrome in Python
Strings in Python

This module begins with an introduction to Python strings. You will learn to implement Python strings in 3 different ways in the Jupyter notebook. You will also be familiarized with some inbuilt string functions of Python. 

If Statement in Python

This section explains why and when to use “if-else” statements and demonstrates how to use them with an example.

Looping Statements in Python

This section explains why and when to use “loop” statements and demonstrates how to use them with an example.


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Palindrome in Python

2.25 Learning Hours . Beginner

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the longest palindrome word in the English language?

As per the Oxford English dictionary, the longest palindromic word is the 'onomatopoeic.' It was invented by James Joyce in Ulysses in 1922. 

Can a palindrome exist for number systems other than decimals?

A palindrome number can be expressed in any number system.

What are some of the basic projects in Python?

Some of the basic projects in Python are as follows:

  • Building a tic-tac-toe

  • Building a snake and ladder game without its GUI

  • Build a guessing game 

  • Implement Single Link list and Double link list 

  • Create a simple Python calculator

  • Write a simple, interactive quiz 

  • Build an alarm clock 

How will my career get a boost if I learn Python?

Python is a general-purpose, high-level language that is very versatile in today’s time. Python expertise opens many career opportunities for a person. You can become a Python developer and build websites, back-end applications, middleware, optimize data algorithms, or write clean and efficient Python code for any module. You can become a data analyst and work with large sets of data, and analyze them. Python knowledge and some years of software development under your belt can make you eligible for project management, product management, and program management roles. You can also become a python trainer, course instructor, and blog writer.

Is palindrome in python worth learning in 2021?

Yes, palindromes in python are worth learning in 2021. Palindrome detection is a basic program involving numeric and string operations. It involves string slicing, string parsing, etc. It also involves learning modulo and integer division operations. One also has to learn if…else conditions and while loop.

Is this course free?

Yes. This course is absolutely free. Apart from being free, it will be available in your account once you enroll in it. It has 1.5 hours worth of video lectures followed by an objective assessment.

Can we use the same logic to detect palindromes in numbers that we use in case of string?

Yes, we can do so. But for that, we need to convert the number to a string using the str(number) statement.

Is a palindrome program for strings shorter than a number in Python?

<p>Yes. The Palindrome program to detect if a string is a palindrome or not is very short as compared to the program to detect if a number is a palindrome or not. This is because, for a string, we use slicing to read the string backward instead of storing it in another variable.&nbsp;</p>

What is the general logic used in a palindrome program for numbers?

The following logic is used in C code to detect if the given number is palindrome or not.

  1. Get the input number from user
  2. Store it in a temporary variable
  3. Reverse the number
  4. Compare the temporary number with reversed number
  5. If both numbers are same, print the given number is palindrome number
  6. Else print give n number is not palindrome number

What is the palindrome string program in Python?

The palindrome string program in Python is a python program that takes an input of a word or a sentence (collection of words), processes the input, and provides an output to showcase if the given string is a palindrome or not. A word is a palindrome if it reads the same from both front and back. For e.g. ‘rever’ is a palindrome. 

What is the palindrome number program in Python?

The palindrome number program in Python is a python program that takes a number as input, processes it, and provides an output that lets us know if the number entered by the user is a palindrome or not. An integer is considered a palindrome if it is the same number when read backward as well. The time complexity of such a code is O (#number of digits in the number) since the logic is that the code creates a new number by reading the number from the end digit by digit. It then compares the new number with the original number to determine if it is a palindrome or not.

What are some facts about palindrome numbers?

For the case of 2 digits, there are 9 palindrome numbers that are given below:

11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99


If we consider three digits, there are 90 palindrome numbers that are given below: 

101, 111, 121, 131, 141, 151, 161, 171, 181, 191, …, 909, 919, 929, 939, 949, 959, 969, 979, 989, 999


If we talk about perfect numbers, there are many palindromes perfect powers NK, where n is a natural number and k is 2, 3 or 4. For e.g., 1, 4, 121 (palindrome square of 11), 1331 (palindrome cube of 11), and 14641 (palindrome fourth power of 11).


Will I get a certificate after completing this Palindrome in Python free course?

Yes, you will get a certificate of completion for Palindrome in Python after completing all the modules and cracking the assessment. The assessment tests your knowledge of the subject and badges your skills.

How much does this Palindrome in Python course cost?

It is an entirely free course from Great Learning Academy. Anyone interested in learning the basics of Palindrome in Python can get started with this course.

Is there any limit on how many times I can take this free course?

Once you enroll in the Palindrome in Python course, you have lifetime access to it. So, you can log in anytime and learn it for free online.

Can I sign up for multiple courses from Great Learning Academy at the same time?

Yes, you can enroll in as many courses as you want from Great Learning Academy. There is no limit to the number of courses you can enroll in at once, but since the courses offered by Great Learning Academy are free, we suggest you learn one by one to get the best out of the subject.

Why choose Great Learning Academy for this free Palindrome in Python course?

Great Learning Academy provides this Palindrome in Python course for free online. The course is self-paced and helps you understand various topics that fall under the subject with solved problems and demonstrated examples. The course is carefully designed, keeping in mind to cater to both beginners and professionals, and is delivered by subject experts. Great Learning is a global ed-tech platform dedicated to developing competent professionals. Great Learning Academy is an initiative by Great Learning that offers in-demand free online courses to help people advance in their jobs. More than 5 million learners from 140 countries have benefited from Great Learning Academy's free online courses with certificates. It is a one-stop place for all of a learner's goals.

What are the steps to enroll in this Palindrome in Python course?

Enrolling in any of the Great Learning Academy’s courses is just one step process. Sign-up for the course, you are interested in learning through your E-mail ID and start learning them for free online.

Will I have lifetime access to this free Palindrome in Python course?

Yes, once you enroll in the course, you will have lifetime access, where you can log in and learn whenever you want to.

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                                                                         Palindrome in Python


Reasons To Adopt Python

Python is super easy to learn, code, understand, and debug: Python language is pretty easy to learn, code, understand, and debug for anyone new to the field. The python language is open source, heavily adopted, and highly documented. It has a simple syntax that is closer to natural language. All these reasons make Python codes easy to write and ensure that it is much faster than other programming languages such as Java.


Python is an interpreted language: Since Python is interpreted, one can also quickly experiment by changing the code base of Python and find errors line by line instead of compiling the entire program as in the case of C.


Ever-increasing Python community that is very mature and supportive:  The Python community has grown over the last 30 years. There is plenty of documentation, guides, and video tutorials for Python language that is available for any learner and developer of any skill level or age can use and receive the support required to enhance their knowledge in the Python programming language.


Many universities teaching undergraduate computer science courses introduce computer science only through Python language. Most of the research students code their research projects in Python. The Python community has its doors open for anyone who wants to learn this language. The Python developer community is a very active programming language community.


For any issue with Python language, you can get instant support from developers of all levels ranging from beginner to expert in the community. Getting help on time plays a vital role in the development of the project, which otherwise might cause delays.


Endorsement from Renowned Corporate Sponsors: Any programming language grows faster when a corporate sponsor backs it. For example, PHP is backed by Facebook; Java is backed by Oracle and Sun; Visual Basic and C# are backed by Microsoft. Facebook, Amazon Web Services, and Google have backed up Python.


Google adopted the python language in 2006 and has invested huge amounts of effort, time, and money in the training and success of the python language by Google. The list of support tools and documentation keeps on growing for python language in the developers’ world.


Ever-growing rich set of Python Libraries and Frameworks cutting across domains: For any domain, Python has a well-tested and supported library that you can use to select and save your time and effort on the initial cycle of development. There are also lots of cloud media services that offer cross-platform support through library-like tools, which can be extremely beneficial. For instance, for natural language processing, one can use Spacy, nltk, or textblob. For machine learning-based tasks, one can use scikit-learn or TensorFlow. Some popular Python libraries/frameworks are as follows: 

  1. Matplotlib for plotting charts and graphs

  2. SciPy for engineering applications, science, and mathematics

  3. BeautifulSoup for HTML parsing and XML

  4. NumPy for scientific computing

  5. Pandas for data processing

  6. JSON for JSON Processing

  7. Django for server-side web development

  8. Moviepy for video processing


Python is versatile, efficient, reliable, and fast: Python language is efficient, reliable, and much faster than any of the modern languages. Python can be used in nearly any kind of environment without any performance loss as compared to any other programming language. Python can be used to develop a variety of applications such as mobile applications, desktop applications, web development, backend scripts, middleware, recommendation engine, hardware programming, and many more.


Seamless integration with cutting edge technologies: Python is effortlessly integrated with new-age technologies such as Big data, Machine Learning and Cloud Computing, neural networks, and artificial intelligent systems. Python language, together with R language, forms the backbone for any data science and analytics project. Most of the data processing workloads in the organization are powered by python language only. Most of the research and development takes place in python language due to its many applications, including ease of analyzing and organizing the usable data. A huge number of python libraries are being used in thousands of machine learning projects every day, such as TensorFlow for neural networks, SciPy for scientific computing, OpenCV for computer vision, etc.


Python is highly agile and flexible: The python language is highly flexible, agile, and robust. A new developer can effortlessly try something new such as solving a string manipulation problem using an in-built function or using list slicing. There is no restriction from language semantics, and Python doesn’t restrict any sort of application development. This kind of freedom and flexibility is not seen in other high-level programming languages.


Python is the second name for automation: Python language is not only used as a programming language but is also used as a scripting language to automate day-to-day DevOps tasks such as cleaning disk space, clearing log files, triggering CI/CD pipeline to initiate a client build, etc. Python has lots of tools and modules that make things much more comfortable for automation. One can build an advanced level of automation suite easily by just using necessary python codes in quick time. Python is heavily used in the automation of software testing since it boosts performance big time. It not only decreases code footprint but also cuts down the testing cost, maintaining redevelopment cost.


Python in a nutshell

  1. Python is highly readable and effortlessly understandable 

  2. Python supports modules advocating code reuse.

  3. Python is a cross-platform language with the motto "code once, reuse many times at many places"

  4. Python is an interpreted language.

  5. Python is fully Open-source.

  6. Python has an ultra-rich set of standard libraries that allows integration with other high-level languages such as Java, C, and C++.

  7. Python supports object-oriented programming


Application of Python

  1. AI and Machine Learning.

  2. Data Analytics

  3. Scientific Computing

  4. Data Visualization

  5. Programming applications

  6. Web Development

  7. Game Development

  8. Natural language Development

  9. Review and recommendation system

  10. Financial model

  11. SEO techniques

  12. System Design


Advantages of Python

  1. Modular and structural

  2. Suitable for procedures

  3. Both low level as well as high level

  4. Powerful and efficient language

  5. Portable and robust language

  6. Huge repository of Built-in functions

  7. High extensibility index

  8. Ideal to implement any algorithm using any data type(s)

  9. Implements Dynamic memory allocation

  10. Structure of a typical C program


Best path to learning Python

The best way to learn Python is to code-related problems of what you read daily. Install a good Python IDE and start coding as you learn. Great Learning offers many free online courses on different topics of Python, data science, machine learning, and programming in general. Remember that if you are a non-programmer, you will take longer to learn, and hence you have to be more patient. You can think of a small application such as a graphical calculator and start coding it as you learn various concepts around it. While coding, you will surely get an error, and that implies that you are going in the right direction. Every error should teach you something and prompt you to find the solution. Remember that the best learning is through errors and exceptions.


You can always take a reputed online course (from Great Learning off course!) to start your Python journey. As a small tip, you should first read through the syntax without spending too much time on it. The best way to master syntax is to have a project set up with an IDE like PyCharm and start coding on it.


Keywords in Python

In every language, certain words are part of the language’s internals and are forbidden to use by the programmer. These words are intrinsic to the language and are kept reserved for doing a specific task or having a specific purpose or meaning in the context of the language. These words are known as reserved words or keywords. These words are predefined and always written in lower case or small letters. These keywords cannot be used as a variable name. Some examples are False, if, await, else, import, pass, None, return, try, while, break, except, class, in, True, raise, except, finally, is, in, and, continue, for, lambda, def, from, try, as, global, nonlocal, while, elif, if , async, assert, insert, del, not, with, or, yield, etc.


Advanced libraries in Python

Some advanced libraries in Python are as follows:

  1. Numpy

  2. Pandas

  3. Scikit-learn

  4. Tensorflow 

  5. Keras

  6. SciPy

  7. Stasmodels

  8. Plotly

  9. MatplotLib

  10. Gradio

  11. Seaborn

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