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Ethical Applications in the field of Artificial Intelligence


Sarika Hussain


1.5 Hrs

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About this Live Session

1.Artificial Intelligence Story: While we talk a lot about AI do we know how and when it all started?
One would be surprised to know that the History of AI was a roller coaster ride and not a smooth progression.
We will explore this through the session and also understand where do we stand right now in the Journey of AI
and how does the future look like?

2.Unique & Interesting AI Application: In today's world most of us only know about few applications of
AI like Alexa, Google search cut across us during daily life but AI applications are not limited to it.
There are endless unique & interesting applications that have made a mark in the varied industries which will be unfolded during the session and few can be readily applied too.

3. Choose your Battle: AI can be a curse or boon to humanity. After carefully evaluating the pros & cons
covered as part of Ethical learning you will be equipped to decide the right way of applying AI.

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Ethical Applications in the field of Artificial Intelligence

1.5 Hrs

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Sarika Hussain

Quality Improvement Manager | ASQ Blackbelt |AI Leader

Artificial Intelligence Expert

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"arika is a speaker who fully believes in the power of story to motivate, inspire and educate. By combining her own personal first-hand experience, with her domain expertise, she delivers compelling yet relatable presentations for conferences, on-line events, interviews, panels, speed mentoring , meetings, retreats, workshops and seminars that have been met with rave reviews, and can be adapted to suit your venue and audience. Being an Engineer, Quality Expert certified by ASQ (American Society for Quality- CSSBB) and Artificial Intelligence Leader certified from The University of Texas Austin - McComb School of Business, she strongly recommends -Invest in yourself.

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