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Business Applications of Data Science, AI & Machine Learning


Dr. Abhinanda Sarkar


1.5 Hrs

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About this Live Session

Master Class by Dr. Abhinanda Sarkar, Ph.D. from Stanford University, Ex-Faculty - MIT

What do Big Data and Deep Learning have to do with business strategy? Quite a lot it turns out, and some of it we see routinely. For example, chatbots that respond to queries or search engines for images. But what about finding new customers or managing operations in tough times? Are there ways to motivate employees or understand the risk better?

Data and algorithms are combining in powerful new ways to change the way we do business. New business models are emerging and older models are upgrading fast. All this is done via information technology ranging from cloud computing to mobiles and modeling paradigms ranging from data science to machine learning to artificial intelligence.

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Dr. Abhinanda Sarkar

Faculty Director, Great Learning

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Dr. Abhinanda Sarkar is the Academic Director at Great Learning for Data Science and Machine Learning Programs. Dr. Sarkar received his B.Stat. and M.Stat. degrees from the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) and a Ph.D. in Statistics from Stanford University. He has taught applied mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); been on the research staff at IBM; led Quality, Engineering Development, and Analytics functions at General Electric (GE); served as Associate Dean at the MYRA School of Business; and co-founded OmiX Labs.

Dr. Sarkar’s publications, patents, and technical leadership have been in applying probabilistic models, statistical data analysis, and machine learning to diverse areas such as experimental physics, computer vision, text mining, wireless networks, e-commerce, credit risk, retail finance, engineering reliability, renewable energy, and infectious diseases, His teaching has mostly been on statistical theory, methods, and algorithms; together with application topics such as financial modeling, quality management, and data mining.

Dr. Sarkar is a certified Master Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma and Design for Six Sigma. He has been visiting faculty at Stanford and ISI and continues to teach at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM-Bangalore) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). Over the years, he has designed and conducted numerous corporate training sessions for technology and business professionals. He is a recipient of the ISI Alumni Association Medal, IBM Invention Achievement Awards, and the Radhakrishan Mentor Award from GE India

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Business Applications of Data Science, AI & Machine Learning

1.5 Hrs

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